How does the immune system, which protects our body against its "enemies" day and night, work? It is a powerful and complex apparatus, which sometimes gets out of control. Let's tell its story, and immerse ourselves in this world full of surprises... Continue reading
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Imagine our body as if it were a nation, full of billions and billions of citizens (cells, in fact), with very long borders that fierce enemy patrols are constantly trying to cross, and possible internal revolts by groups that no longer want to follow the rules (tumours).
A nation that is not a democracy, but not a dictatorship either: simply, a place where the rules were set down thousands of years ago, and everyone has to respect them, no questions allowed. A nation in which citizens have to show their ID to the police and soldiers, who are everywhere,... continue reading
Discover the philosophy
Mauris rutrum pulvinar diam euismod viverra. Integer convallis, ipsum a ultricies placerat, massa nulla commodo dui, vel posuere augue nunc non ipsum. Duis molestie sem ex. Aliquam venenatis porttitor ultrices. Cras vestibulum justo non varius blandit. Continue reading
Discover the protagonists
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam faucibus, nulla quis iaculis lacinia, neque enim rhoncus ipsum, a faucibus justo diam vel orci.
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Aliquam pellentesque, ipsum vitae luctus dictum, dolor nulla interdum felis, vitae interdum dui turpis nec mauris... continua
Scopri le puntate
There are many key characters in the body's defence system: some are in the front line and must go into action immediately, without even wondering who the enemies are exactly. The others are elite troops, sophisticated and decisive, but slower...
Cancer is constantly trying to trick controls, but Natural Killer lymphocytes almost always detect it
It's not easy to block viruses. Here again, NK lymphocytes, together with B and T lymphocytes, are critical agents
Discover the staff
The immune system is the most indecipherable and complex world of our organism, along with the nervous system. But the scientific texts that try to describe it are almost always equally obscure... We have tried to use a different way to explain it, while maintaining a solid scientific basis...
A scientific journalist with a focus on the world of medicine, he has worked for Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera and Mediaset. He founded PRC-Comunicare la Scienza, an agency specialized in scientific communication and based in Lugano
Illustrator and drawing teacher, he has published four graphic novels and exhibited his work in several European galleries. In 2012, he won the Nuove Strade award from Naples Comicon and Centro Fumetto Andrea Pazienza as best emerging talent
She worked as an associate professor of clinical pathology and immunology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pavia until 2018. She also directed the Inter-University Center for Immunity and Nutrition (University of Pavia and Bologna)
MaskeDesign is a web workshop, a creative laboratory, based in Milan, but with an international outlook. Starting from a solid traditional experience, it explores new expressive means and new languages of digital communication